
Core Courses

Try Scuba Explore the Underwater World! Have you always wondered what it’s like to breathe underwater...

Open Water Certification Want to get Scuba Certified? If you have always wanted to learn to scuba dive so you can experience ...

Open Water Referral Need to Finish Your Scuba Certification? Open Water Referral: Did you start your scuba certificat...

Advanced Adventurer The SSI Advanced Adventurer is a scuba diving certification program offered by Scuba Schools Interna...

PADI Advanced Open Water The Advanced Open Water Diver course is all about advancing your skills. You'll practi...

SSI Scuba Skills Update or PAD... Get ReActivated! Scuba Skills Update/ReActivate is the engaging, efficient way to refresh yo...

Refresher Course Join us for a refresher course!  Our professional divers will review your diving skills with yo...

Emergency First Response & O2 ... Don’t Just Stand There! Our emergency first response course provides you with the training ...

Rescue Diver Are You Prepared? “Challenging” and “rewarding” best describe the Rescue ...

Rescue Diver + EFR Bundle Cour... Be Prepared! “Challenging” and “rewarding” best describe the Rescue Diver...

Specialty Courses

Boat Diver If you’re new to boat diving or want to learn more about diving from different types of boats,...

Deep Diver Expand Your Boundaries! Take your SCUBA skills to the next level. During your Deep Diver course, ...

Diver Propulsion Vehicle (DPV) See More & Swim Less If scuba diving is like taking a scenic stroll around a park, a Diver Pr...

Drift Diver Fly Underwater! Diving in a current can feel like flying underwater. In the Drift Diver course, y...

Dry Suit Diver Learn to Dive Dry! Are you traveling to a cold-water environment such as Iceland or Antartica? Do...

Enriched Air (Nitrox) Diver Dive Longer and Safer with Nitrox! Enriched air, also known as nitrox or EANx, contains less nitr...

Equipment Specialist Don’t Miss A Dive Don’t miss a dive due to minor issues with your scuba diving equipm...

Full Face Mask Diver Dive with a Full Face Mask! Working divers, such as public safety divers, use full face masks bec...

Night Diver Become a Night Diver! The thought of dipping below the surface at night seems mysterious, yet so ...

Perfect Buoyancy Improve Your Buoyancy! Excellent buoyancy control is what defines skilled scuba divers. You&rsquo...

Padi Kayak Diving Kayak diving is a type of recreational diving where divers paddle to a diving site in a kayak. ...

Search & Recovery Diver Learn to Search & Recover! The next time someone loses an item underwater, you can be the her...

Underwater Navigator Improve Your Navigation Skills! Be the scuba diver everyone wants to follow because you know wher...

Wreck Diver Become a Wreck Diver! Whether purpose-sunk as an artificial reef for scuba divers, or lost as the...

Advanced Wreck Diver Whether purpose-sunk as an artificial reef for scuba divers, or lost as the result of an accident, w...
